Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide

The Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide which is also known as ACCESS is a program that provides distant learning to high school students. This program is used over the internet and makes use of technology. ACCESS gives high school students who attend schools thatado not offer advanced courses the opportunity to take those courses online. Students can have the feel of still having a teacher and a class right there with them through video conferencing technology. Amazingly, activities that are normally done in a regular classroom can also be done online.

Teachers have access to various resources through this program. Some resources continue to educate them and keep them up to date on the technology they are required to use in their instruction. Teachers are also able to use technology to educate students beyond their normal classroom setting.

1 comment:

Jennifer Averitt said...

Good Job. I would also like to see a picture of you on your blog. This is so that others viewing your blog not associated with the class can put a face to the name.