Monday, December 1, 2008

Things I've Learned in EDM 310

I have learned so much this semester in my EDM 310 class. I didn't know that technology had changed so much in the classroom until I took this class. I learned so much about blogs in classrooms, how to create blog posts on my own blog page, and how they are used as teaching tools by teachers. I also enjoyed learning how to add pictures and links to blogs. Everything that I learned about iGoogle was interesting as well.

Podcasting was another technology that I learned so much about. I didn't like podcasts at first because of its negative use by others. I now know that podcasts are useful forms of media that can also be used as a teaching tool to enhance education. I also learned about many places on the Internet that have useful resources for teachers. Some of these places are The Alabama Learning Exchange(ALEX) and The Alabama Virtual Library(AVL).

I enjoyed learning about Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators,and Students Statewide(ACCESS). I was surprised to learn that high school students were involved with long distance online learning. I also learned more about word processing than I knew before taking this class. Some things such as subscript and superscript were new to me. Everything that we covered in class is pretty much what I was eager to learn.

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